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Elisa Bonazzi

Elisa Bonazzi

Fundamental in her musical training was the meeting with Monica Bacelli, with whom she graduated in the master’s degree in opera singing at the Bologna Conservatory. After her academic studies, Elisa also specialized in contemporary repertoire with Alda Caiello. Moreover she obtained a master’s degree in  Communication Sciences from the University of Bologna.

Her concert experience encompasses the Baroque period in its chamber and opera variations, the romantic and decadent period especially in the form of lieder and contemporary music in both chamber and opera settings. Elisa has an active collaboration with the Parma Chamber Orchestra with which she recently performed Vivaldi’s Stabat Mater. She also participated in the Cartagena International Music Festival 2021, where se was a reference interpreter for the Baroque repertoire under the direction of Sebastiano Rolli. She made her debut as Bradamante in Vivaldi ‘s Orlando furioso at the Teatro del Giglio in Lucca and as Orpheus in Gluck’s Orfeo e Euridice at the Auditorium del Parco in L’Aquila with the Abruzzese Symphony Orchestra conducted by Marcello Bufalini.

She collaborates with the De Labyrintho and Rosso Porpora ensembles, directed by Walter Testolin, with whom she has performed in important concert venues such as: Palazzo Zevallos in Naples, Festival Vesperali in Lugano, Inspiration Festival – VDNKH in Moscow, Teatro Vittoria in Turin, Trame Sonore Festival in Mantua. Lead by her interest in lieder and more generally in chamber music for voice and piano, Elisa devoted herself to Liederabende dealing with authors such as Schubert and Debussy (Gesänge aus Wilhelm Meister and Fêtes galantes, at the Goethe Institut of Bologna), Brahms, Bridge, Kantcheli and Shostakovic (Berenstein Klavierhochschule in Berlin and in the Concert Season Classica daMercato in Bologna), Strauss and Berg (Niccolini Conservatory in Piacenza), Mahler Rückert Lieder with the Abruzzese Symphony Orchestra (L’Aquila) and Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Bologna).

Elisa’s innate curiosity and interest towards all musical styles and periods inevitably led her to deepen her knowledge in twentieth-century and contemporary music. She performed music by Berio (whose vocal music was the main topic of her master thesis defence), Cage, Stockhausen, Scelsi, Solbiati, Fedele, Guarnieri, Lim, Lombardi, Rotaru, Britten and Bernstein among others. She played Mrs Jaffett in Britten‘s Noye’s Fludd under the direction of Jonathan Webb in Prato and the voice 1 in Berio’s Laborintus under the direction of Fabrice Pierre at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna and at the CNSMD auditorium in Lyon and under the direction of Marcello Panni in  the Aula Magna of La Sapienza University of Rome and at the Teatro Comunale of Ferrara.

Elisa’s broad knowledge and flexibility in both style and interpretation have made her the perfect choice for international and italian premieres: the opera L’amor che move il sole e l’altre stelle by Adriano Guarnieri (Ravenna Festival 2015), the opera La stessa barca by Raffaele Sargenti for the Venice Music Biennale 2017 under the direction of Filippo Perocco, Three Angels by Liza Lim (2020), Human Signs by Yuval Avital (2020), Soliloquy and SHAKE! by Claudio Ambrosini in Ateneo Veneto and Marciana Library in Venice, Sei cose impossibili prima di colazione and Monster Study by Michele Foresi for Ghislierimusica and Festival Musica In Prossimità of Pinerolo, The wood and the Vine and Forbidden Subjects by David Lang and A Calendar Of Kings by Peter Maxwell Davies for Fondazione Maramotti in Reggio Emilia, a sei voci by Beat Furrer in collaboration with the Vox Altera ensemble for the La Via Lattea Festival 2017 in Mendrisio.

She collaborates with Philippe Herrewege’s Collegium Vocale in Gent and Diego Fasolis’ I Barocchisti; she is the founder of Zero Vocal Ensemble, a vocal octet with which she explores new languages and expressive techniques of contemporary music. She has been directed, among others, by Riccardo Muti, Wladimir Ashkenazy, Roberto Abbado, Markus Poschner, Dennis Russell Davies.

In two years of collaboration with the European Contemporary Orchestra, she performed, among other things, the world premiere of Calimerita by Ivan Fedele at the Flagey in Brussels. She performed the show Tra la carne e il cielo in two different editions, with Ennio Fantastichini and later with Moni Ovadia. Elisa’s performative talent has been developed also through her activity in  the prose theater, where she has performed plays by William Shakespeare (Macbeth, The Tempest), Carlo Goldoni (La serva amorosa), Eugène Ionesco (La cantatrice chauve), Euripides (Medea), TS Eliot (Murder in the Cathedral), Laura Falqui (Un tè e un pazzo intrattenimento, Zafferano, Treni, Amazzoni).

In addition to Italian, she sings and acts fluently in English, German, French and Spanish. Among her recordings, for Tactus, Glossa, Amadeus: Folk Songs by L.Berio and Siete canciones populares Españolas by M. De Falla; Madrigals and Masses by C.Cortellini; La Iiberazione di Ruggiero dall’isola di Alcina by F. Caccini; G. Ph. Telemann’s Lateinisches Magnificat; Carmina Nova with Latinobalcanica Ensemble; Liszt’s Via Crucis; Eyvind Kang’s Athlantis with Mike Patton.

Moreover, she transcribed in modern notation the volume MADREGALI A TRE VOCI de diversi eccellentissimi autori Nuovamente Con Ogni Diligentia Ristampati e Corretti In Venetia Appresso di Antonio Gardano (1561) published by AERCO (2005). She recorded the soundtrack of Movies such as Fantasmi a Ferranìa (2020) and Storie del dormiveglia (2017) with music by Simonluca Laitempergher.

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Eventi in programma

  • Elisa Bonazzi - Mozart Requiem at the Accademia Filarmonica di Verona
    Elisa Bonazzi - Mozart Requiem at the Accademia Filarmonica di Verona
    sab 05 ott
    05 ott 2024, 19:00 – 23:00
    Verona, Piazza S. Nicolò, 13, 37121 Verona VR, Italy
    05 ott 2024, 19:00 – 23:00
    Verona, Piazza S. Nicolò, 13, 37121 Verona VR, Italy


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